Partner 2

Partner 2 : UAR1240 Eco-Innov (INRA Grignon)

The main mission of Eco-Innov is to develop, from interdisciplinary projects, methodologies for assessing the ecological and agronomic impacts of innovations in agriculture.

Eco-innov coordinates or participates in several projects related to the design and evaluation of innovative systems in the field of coexistence of production chains and integrated protection. Work on a priori evaluation of the sustainability of these systems using the multicriteria analysis methodology resulted in the development of the MASC® and DEXiPM® tools. DEXiPM Field Crops is currently used in the European PURE project (2011-2015) for the design and evaluation of pesticide-saving cropping systems.

Modification date : 24 April 2023 | Publication date : 12 May 2015 | Redactor : Stéphanie Potok